Dalila Roglieri

Blueberry and Ginger Mousse

DaRò wellnesscuisine - Recipe by Dealma Franceschetti - DaRò Ambassador in Macrobiotic Cuisine


Cranberry-apple juice

Agar agar powder

Ginger juice

Rice malt

Whole sea salt


Dissolve the agar-agar in the cranberry juice, add the salt and bring to the boil, stirring. Cook about 1 minute from the boil and turn off. Add the malt and ginger. Pour into a container to cool and make a jelly. Transfer to the fridge for an hour.
Blend the jelly very well until you get a soft and smooth cream. Arrange in bowls or glasses and serve chilled. You can garnish with fresh blueberries and almond flakes.

Opinion of the chef

This mousse is particularly suitable for summer because it is very refreshing. It can replace ice cream for those who do not want to consume refined dairy products and sugars. It is easily prepared by blending the gelatin obtained with agar agar, which replaces the isinglass.

Agar agar is an extract of seaweed, with a slimming power, slightly laxative and slows down the absorption of sugars.