Dalila Roglieri

Penne Pasta with Cardoncelli mushrooms, fresh parsley and Parmesan cheese

A first course with excellent taste thanks to the simplicity of the ingredients used. I recommend choosing excellent Cardoncelli mushrooms, possibly already cleaned ;-)


Ingredients (4 servings):
320 gr whole wheat pasta
500-600 gr fresh Cardoncelli mushrooms
Fresh parsley to taste
80 gr Parmigiano Reggiano 24 months 
80 gr extra-virgin olive oil
1 clove of garlic 


Nutritionist's advice

Wash the Cardoncelli mushrooms well and cut them into pieces that are not too small. Place extra virgin olive oil in nonstick pan with 1 clove of crushed garlic. Let it brown then remove it. Add mushrooms and let them wilt in oil about a minute, then add half a cup of water. Let them cook until soft, then turn off the flame and add Parmesan cheese and fresh parsley. Cook the whole wheat pasta al dente in salted water. Once cooked, add it to the nonstick pan with the Cardoncelli mushrooms and incorporate everything well. Serve the dish hot.