Dalila Roglieri

Darò Experience, dinner at Botteghe Antiche

The search for new DaRò places led me to Putignano, in the province of Bari, precisely under the ancient and suggestive historic building in the center of Piazza Plebiscito, where the Botteghe Antiche tavern stands today.

The spirit of Botteghe Antiche is based on tradition, the genuineness of taste and the simplicity of the ingredients expertly reinvented with style and creativity by the work of chef Stefano D'Onghia.

In a youthful and informal environment, equipped with a modern open kitchen, you are greeted by the scent of fragrant bread and focaccia because they are prepared in the kitchen every day.

Two tasting menus are available to guests, one complete (with first second course and dessert) and one in which the famous “Broad beans and chicory” goes well with various appetizers. Alternatively, you can select your preferences from a rich à la carte menu, with always new dishes that follow the seasonality of the ingredients.

The cellar is excellent, with local and national labels, even the most renowned, many of which embrace the idea of ​​producing a natural, pleasant, sustainable wine.

Among the dishes I had the pleasure of tasting I recommend the tarallo with ricotta, turnip tops and anchovies, fried yolk with chicory and black truffle, and grilled cardoncelli mushrooms. My dinner ended with an exquisite dessert: the delicious ricotta cream with cooked fig honey. Unmissable!

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