Dalila Roglieri

Rocket, Courgette, peach and Feta salad

Recipe designed and proposed by the chefs of Cime di Web, Francesca and Valeria, on the occasion of Culinary Nutrition cooking class



1/2 yellow peach
1/2 white peach
Red onion to taste
Rocket salad
1 courgette
1 carrot
4/5 lettuce leaves
Greek feta
Chopped pistachios
For the dressing
4 spoons of extra virgin olive oil
1 tablespoon of balsamic vinegar
1 tablespoon of agave juice or honey
Salt to taste


Opinion of the chef

Clean and wash the rocket and salad. Cut the courgette into julienne or spaghetti, do the same with the carrot (I cut it with the mandolin). Cut 3/4 thin slices of onion and leave it in the water for a few minutes, then season with a drizzle of oil, vinegar, salt and pepper. Wash the peaches well and cut them into slices leaving the peel. Combine all the ingredients in a plate or bowl and season with the emulsion of oil, vinegar and agave juice. Complete with the crumbled feta and chopped pistachios (pumpkin or sunflower seeds, almonds, cashews are also fine ... the choice is yours).


Nutritionist's advice

In this tasty salad, feta represents the only food "to manage" as it is rich in salt and with a high energy content. It is necessary to balance it with the other ingredients, to avoid that a super nutritious and light salad becomes caloric and not easily digestible. Arugula is very rich in vitamin C and its slightly bitter taste balances the flavor of the cheese.