Dalila Roglieri

Osteria Madre Terra

Osteria Madre Terra

Observed from the nearby town of Andria and protected by the Castel del Monte, Osteria Madre Terra is born. Here the ingredients, as simple as the ancient soul of grandmothers in the kitchen, find a new identity in the intuitive hands of two young Andriese, Nicola Cito and Sabino Liso.

Their friendship was the spark needed to give shape to the two greatest passions that unite them: cooking and Puglia. From this great love comes their reign of tradition without giving up innovation.

Osteria Madre Terra has at heart the constant search for quality products strictly at 0 km, guaranteeing dishes faithful to the territory and to the seasons. The simple act of eating therefore becomes a journey under the banner of the natural perception of taste.

The winning card of the Andriese restaurant is that of the wines: Osteria madre Terra offers native wines "Castel del Monte Doc" and from nearby Basilicata.
