Dalila Roglieri

La Cuccagna

La Cuccagna

In Crispiano (Taranto), the town of 100 farms, is the restaurant La Cuccagna, a milestone in the history of the town, starting with the premises themselves, one of the first built in the town, back in the 19th century. Cuccagna, that is a fabulous country, rich in every good thing, where life flows happily and happily in the wake and pleasure, without any thought: the definition fits this sign like the glove in the hand, the tailor-sized suit . The restaurant started in 1969, by the will of Martino Marsella and his activity as a "butcher with stove" in which, in addition to the sale of the meat, it was also cooked on the spot for those who requested it.

Even today, meat is the basis for many dishes and is an authentic protagonist. In 1994 there was an authentic management revolution: the sons Gianni and Rosa enter, who are activated in the management alongside Martino and their mother Livia, the first sommelier in the room and the second to make delicious desserts. Paola, Gianni's wife, is also gladly involved in the family passion for good cooking, active in the kitchen for the creation of traditional dishes slightly revisited in a more creative perspective.

Today this passion and competence for good eating has led the La Cuccagna restaurant to reach respectable goals: reported on all the most important Italian guides, it has been recognized as "Best restaurant in Southern Italy and islands" by the Italian Touring Club , earned 2 forks in the Gambero Rosso Guide, which this year also awarded him the Tradition award.

All this thanks to the cuisine of a restaurant that has made the bond with the territory and the quality of its products a source of pride and a basis for the creation of dishes based on the wise reading of tradition.
