Dalila Roglieri

Dalla Gioconda

Dalla Gioconda

Among the paths that lead from the hills to the beaches of Gabicce Monte (PU) we find Dalla Giaconda, a restaurant born from the love for this territory in its authenticity and uniqueness. It is run by a group of young and smiling guys like Stefano, the restaurant manager, his partner Allegra and Davide di Fabio, who after sixteen years at the Franciscan tavern, took over the helm of the kitchen from the Mona Lisa. The three immediately shared every idea about cooking, space, time and sustainability. Dalla Giaconda wants to give light to the products of the surrounding miles: from the fisherman to the small agricultural producer. Attentive to the origin and quality, the managers always choose raw materials with a lower environmental impact with the aim of building a controlled supply chain that respects the environment and the sea. The dishes change daily according to what the sea brings and their vegetable garden from which the herbs and aromatic plants that are the protagonists of the vegetarian menu and more come.
