Dalila Roglieri

Botteghe Antiche

Botteghe Antiche

Right where the ancient shops of Putignano (BA) once stood, under the ancient and suggestive historic building in the center of Piazza Plebiscito, today stands the Osteria Botteghe Antiche. The keywords here are tradition, passion, simplicity but also skill thanks to the work of chef Stefano D'Onghia who reinvents and reinterprets each dish with style and creativity.

In Botteghe Antiche we always find new dishes that follow the seasonality of the ingredients. The genuine raw materials, including many Slow Food Presidia, come from small regional producers and the wines are chosen from labels from all over Italy, many of which embrace the idea of ​​producing a natural, pleasant, sustainable wine. Upon your arrival you will always find in the bread basket also the focaccia, produced daily by the kitchen and at the tables Valentina De Cataldo, the queen of the tables and wife of Stefano who with her stories about dishes and ingredients cheers the diners and works to make the kitchen an art form to be preserved.
