Dalila Roglieri

Biafora Resort & Spa

Biafora Resort & Spa

Immersed in the splendid setting of the Sila National Park in San Giovanni in Fiore (CS), Il Biafora Resort & Spa, at over 1200m a.s.l., offers a holiday concept where rest meets well-being and nature, amidst untouched landscapes and woods.

A perfect combination of taste, nature and relaxation, Biafora Resort has a Wellness Center, Spa and two restaurants: Tavola XXIII the bistro and Hyle, the gastronomic restaurant of Chef Antonio Biafora, born in 1985, who grew up in the kitchens of the family resort, who after having attended the Alma and several internships in important restaurants in Italy and around the world returns to Sila.

Hyle, a restaurant without barriers, celebrates a fertile territory rich in raw materials, different and very interesting, from which we start to build a kitchen that, enriched by the experience and past of chef Biafora, traces a map of territorial excellence, identifying farmers, breeders , small producers and his own vegetable garden wanted by Antonio Biafora, who cultivates it personally and who planted and harvested courgettes, sweet and spicy peppers, aubergines and pumpkins, vegetables and vegetables used in the restaurant's open kitchen.

Biafora is also an online shop, with a selection of wines, pastas, pastries and jams selected and recommended by the chef.
