Dalila Roglieri

Borgo Santuletta

Borgo Santuletta

Oltrepo 'Pavese is that hilly strip of land south of Lombardy, the meeting point of four regions: Lombardy, Piedmont, Liguria and Emilia Romagna. Here, among different vineyards and territories but traditions and common memories, smells, flavors, sensations have given life to Borgo Santuletta, a place where you can spend a few days away from the routine, or even just a few hours, discover a dimension that you had lost, rediscover your lost calm, adjusts mood, heals the wounds of an exhausting life.

Sitting in the lemon house, in the Bersot, in the ancient warmth of the small nineteenth-century kitchen or in the large and elegant hall of the Villa, what you will find is simple and traditional cuisine. All dishes are prepared daily using mainly seasonal products from the garden, eggs from hens, ducks, geese and guinea fowl. The menu is fixed and consists of a selection of appetizers, a choice between three first courses, three second courses and three desserts.

We rely on the vegetable garden and its seasonality, without a "standard" menu but always in constant evolution and change just like the whole Borgo. All accompanied by wines from the Borgo cellar.
